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Thursday, February 6, 2014

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go

“The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day.” 
― Dr. Seuss 

Today I missed another play date at Gymboree. Mommy and I woke up excited to attend our mommy and me class. She gave me a bath and I got dressed into my super cool clothes. As sat in my swing waiting for mommy to get dressed we heard sudden down pour, it was then mommy explained to me why we had the spend the day in.  :( 
All my new friends didn't attend. I was really sad because I like going to class so that I can play with my friends at Gymboree. Mommy and daddy did a great job at cheering me up. We sang a few songs and I learned how to do the rainy day dance! 

How do you entertain your little ones on rainy days?


  1. He looks ready for Christmas! What a cutie!

  2. on rainy days we catch up to our movies and try arts and crafts

  3. What a little cutie! We used to really enjoy our class at Gymboree! They have so many fun things to play on and the class taught me a lot of fun ways to interact with my baby.

  4. OMG so adorable. I love that sweater.

    Michelle F>

  5. Haha - I don't go out in the rain either unless I HAVE to. It messes with my hair and we can't have that.

    Oh, and I totally want to pinch up his cheeks. He should be a baby model.

  6. Oh that is precious! I get all the free magazine subscriptions out that we never read, give the boys each a glue stick, posterboard and a pair of scissors and tell them to go nuts! haha

  7. How sweet is he! I love the hat too. I haven't had little ones for quite some time but it is impossible to get my dogs to go out in the rain,LOL.

  8. I have always been curious about classes at Gymboree...your little one is adorable. We have had SOOOO many snow days this winter that I don't know if can handle one more. Thank goodness my twins are great at entertaining themselves most the time.

  9. Oh what a cutie! That hat is so sweet as well - I thought it might have been a santa hat when I first saw it x

  10. oh my how cute and what a warm little hat to have. so cute

  11. It's raining today here too. We are spending our day inside with movies.

  12. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, he is the cutest little guy!!! What a sweetheart!!

    We play games, watch movies, or color. Unless i've got a special craft or something, but my kiddos are older a bit. :)

  13. Awww, so sad that you didn't get to go to Gymboree. At least you got to wear some really cute clothes though! My little guy likes to play with play doh and blow bubbles when he can't play outside.

  14. Gymboree sounds like so much fun. I wish my 6 year old was little enough to attend. I got to do a class one time and lived it but transportation was a issue.
    We play with her toys, we do some learning things like beading a necklace and make art's and crafts she loves cutting pasting glitter lol

  15. Ahhh! Too cute! & I love that hat!

  16. So sad he couldn't go! He looks super cute and ready for fun.

  17. I am so sorry that you missed your mommy and me class - Mother Nature sure does have a way of keeping us from having fun sometimes. At least you looked great.

  18. What a cutie you are! It looks like the rainy day dance cheered you up though!

  19. Quite dapper at such a young age. Girls watch out is all I can say

  20. Ahh too bad you didn't get to go out! Your outfit is too cute to stay in and not be seen! lol When we have raining days we like to snuggle in with a movie!

  21. Oh my gosh, that little cutie makes me smile every time I see him. He is just awesome!!

  22. OMG he is too adorable and I just love his hat!

  23. So cute. He looks like such a happy baby.

  24. Since mine are a bit older they tend to entertain themselves. Even Madison who is now 2 tends to find ways to entertain herself. Hopefully you'll be able to go Gymboree Play and Music soon.

  25. Awwe. So sad you couldn't go. You look adorable. I love the quote in the beginning!

  26. What an absolute cutie!! Oh my goodness!!! So sad he could not go though!

  27. Way too cute, loving the hat too. I'm sorry he couldn't go . Maybe next week :)

  28. Good thing your mom can do the rain dance ... You look so much happier now than you described. :-)

  29. Cheer up lil man. There's always another day and thanks to mum/dad for making it up to u. You look very christmasy in that outfit. :-) Stay Bless!

    *Ur internet Aunty, lol!!*

  30. Torrential downpours ruin everything, but glad that you spend extra time with your mommy! You are too cute :)

  31. Well isn't he a little model. :) I like to make the kiddos do arts and crafts. Keeps them entertained and excited!

  32. So very CUTE! And that hat is to die for!!!

  33. He is TOO cute! I love hats, and he looks so good in this one!

  34. That hat is everything! He is a very stylish and handsome young man.

  35. Such a handsome young man! On rainy days we do inside play too. We have a lot of inside possibilities where I live, so we brave the journey from the house to the car under our big, big umbrella to get to the Center of Science and Industry or the Art Museum for a day of fun and exploration!


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